Monday, August 22, 2011

Genesis 1 and God's Beauty

"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. " - Genesis 1:31

As I am sitting outside today, I am enjoying God's beautiful creation.  I'm trying to block out the loud sounds of the construction equipment down the road and the helicopter circling above and focus on what's important.  As I reread the very beginning of the bible, I was thinking about how general some of it sounded, but how much detail lies embedded within this message.  Solely in God creating two great lights there is so much detail.  Yes the sun and the moon are these great lights, but take a moment and think of the moon.  There are craters and moon sand, gravity and tides, reflections and shadows, and so much more.  

So today I thank God for all of his detail.  Attention to detail makes things and people what and who they are, and I am so thankful for that.  Thank you God for making me unique.  Please bless my family, friends, and readers with Your beautifully painted world.  Help them to block out all of the annoying loud noises of the world and focus on Your beauty.  Help them find it in unexpected places.

This piece that I just finished is a "pencil holder" of sorts.  I show it with paintbrushes.  It was such a beautiful day outside here today that I took some photos outside.  I used shiny off white tissue paper and orange floral ribbon.  Then I attached two small white flowers to cover the seam in the ribbon.  Simple, but quite elegant.  Standby for more of these to come.  I have made a few more.

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