Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Eve and 1 Peter 4:!0

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)

I have gotten into Pier 1's Tasting Party collection.  They are fabulous for serving appetizers and desserts and even drinks.  I love all of the options that are offered and their display options.  I started building my collection last year with these ceramic spoons that and some clear glass mini bowls.  This year for Christmas, Angie blessed me with three more sets.  Two more sets of spoons and a set of mini shot glasses with spoons.  Check out more options here.  This Christmas Eve, I used my tasting party dishes to host some of my family for dinner after church.  What a blessing it is to have gifts that I can use to serve others! 

 These ceramic spoons are sold individually.  Each one has a hole drilled in the handle.  I used it to take red and green beads with red jewelry wire to make little accents for each spoon.  They turned out quite cute if I do say so myself! 

 This was part of my counter on Christmas Eve.  The two sets of spoons toward the top of the picture are the ones Angie gave me for Christmas.  They were eventually filled with cottage cheese and topped with a peach.  The individual spoons had appetizers in them.  They were Phyllo shells that I filled with Philadelphia cooking cream - tomato and basil flavor and topped with a slice of a cherry tomato and a piece of green pepper. 

And these glorious desserts are single serving pies baked in half pint canning jars.  How fun is that?!  Got this idea off from  They were delicious.  Next time I display them I would probably add a ribbon around each individual jar, but give that I had 5 hours to clean the house and prep the food, I think it looks quite cute! 

Merry Christmas to you all.  I hope you have a blessed 2012.

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